26 August, 2020

MIUI 12 by Healer based on Masik ™ 16.1 / 20.8.19 for MI 8 Lite (Platina)


MIUI 12 by Healer based on Masik ™ 16.1 / 20.8.19
for MI 8 Lite
Updated: August 20, 2020

Rom Generated by @CavalliTenorio

My Rom Features:
* Both MIUI camera and GCam are working (No camera issue with third party apps).
* Enable full screen capture in MIUI camera app.
* Disable MIUI setup wizard.
* Face unlock working.
* You can flash any kernel you want. ( But I don't care if you talk about bugs P: )

Masik 16.1 changelog: here
 My Changelog: here

* Broken AI mode in MIUI Camera.

* Morph limited is not compatible with GSIs.

* Same as custom rom

Credits and Thanks:
@nysascape for his amazing kernel.
@fernoliveira for new masik boot animation.
Huge thanks to @CavalliTenorio for landing his laptop to build and Platina community.

Notes: This is not official masik build. My Port rom with Gcam and MIUI Cam Feature.

Download: HERE

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  1. gan, ini sudah include magisk?

  2. Alguien tiene el archivo? Que me haga el favor de enviármelo :( pls

